The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waynesboro is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. Board members represent the congregation by ensuring responsible discernment, oversight, long-range planning and stewardship of the Fellowship’s resources in keeping with our mission and vision. The Board delegates responsibility for programming and administrative operations of UUFW to the minister. The minister is head of staff and responsible for the work of our ministry teams. Under Virginia law, unincorporated congregations must also elect trustees who hold the property of the congregation in trust for the congregation, which cannot own property or incur debt in its own right.

Our Board of Directors, Fiscal Year 2025

Margot Kephart, President
Marilyn Nash, Vice President
Peggy Anders, Treasurer
Stephen Maxwell, Secretary
Erin Milnes
Nancy Trimble
Sylvia Woodworth

Ex Officio, Non-Voting Members of the Board

Kay Yost, Immediate Past President
The Rev. Paul Oakley, Minister

Our Trustees, Fiscal Year 2025

Wayne Nolde
Suzy Huston
Sylvia Woodworth

Covenant of the UUFW Board of Directors

We, the members of the UUFW Board of Directors, covenant to govern in a way that serves the Fellowship’s mission and the congregation. Thus, we will:

  • Show up for Board meetings on time, prepared and ready to focus on productive work
  • Create a safe environment where everyone’s opinions are respected, openness and honesty are valued and confidentiality is upheld
  • Participate actively in Board meetings by listening attentively, asking questions, and freely sharing our thoughts and opinions without hidden agendas
  • Strive for visionary thinking and continuous learning as individuals and as a group
  • Seek consensus, but ultimately accept decisions of the majority and speak about them with one voice
  • Stay focused on the big picture (discernment, strategy and oversight), not day to day management issues
  • Do our best to model good governance in harmony with our UU principles