We gather together in spiritual community because we need constant reminders of what matters most in life. In a world of heartbreak and dehumanization, our congregations and communities call us to our better selves. We learn to live with more wisdom, more connection, and more compassion.

We gather in worship to find and share meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waynesboro holds services in its Fellowship Hall on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Elements of our Sunday morning worship service typically include:

  • Words of welcome
  • Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • Hymns and other music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles
  • Prayer / meditation / affirmation
  • A multigenerational segment, such as a “story for all ages”
  • A time for naming the joys and sorrows of the congregation
  • Readings—ancient or contemporary
  • A sermon / homily / reflection
  • An offering, collecting financial donations for the congregation or for justice work in the community.
  • Announcements for the coming week
  • Closing blessing or benediction

Joys and Sorrows allows people to briefly name major positive and negative situations and events in their personal lives to receive the support of the congregation.

On most Sundays, the sermon is delivered by our minister, the Reverend Paul Oakley. From time to time a visiting Unitarian Universalist minister, clergy from another religious tradition, or lay member of the congregation will lead the service.

Children are often present in the service with their family for the first half of the service. Usually just prior to the sermon, children go with their teachers to attend religious education classes in the Chalice House next door. Families are always free to choose to stay together if they prefer. Multiple times a year there are multigenerational services. On these Sundays, the nursery is available for babies and toddlers, but no separate children’s classes are held.

UUFW has no dress code. You are as likely to see people in jeans and tee shirts as in suits or dresses. We want everyone to come in clothes that make them feel most comfortable.

Visitors and guests are always welcome! Our greeter will ensure you have a name-tag, and during the service, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and be welcomed by the congregation if you wish. Children of visitors are also welcome. Parents may contact the Director of Religious Education in advance to let her know they will be joining religious education classes. After the service, visitors are invited to stay for coffee and conversation. It is an opportunity to get to know members of our Fellowship and ask questions you may have about Unitarian Universalism and this liberal religious tradition.

From time to time, services incorporate holiday celebrations, multigenerational activities, longer musical performances, new member events, and coming-of-age ceremonies.