Mike Drumheller

I came from a broken home. I grew up practically un-churched on the inner city streets of Baltimore, Maryland. After moving back to Virginia, I was converted to Christianity in my senior year of high school. As a young man, I was deeply involved in a fundamentalist school and church. I even studied for the ministry. Does Jerry Falwell ring a bell?

I spent years struggling with my identity and trying to fit in. I was celibate for many years before finally accepting that I was gay. However, I found, like most gay people, that it is very difficult to feel comfortable and welcome in churches after coming to terms with my sexuality. I tried many different denominations and churches in search of acceptance and belonging before hearing about Unitarian Universalism through some friends.

UUFW has given me the open and accepting atmosphere that I had been seeking for a very long time. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share a spiritual life with others, without being judged, because this has been something that has always been important to me. I also treasure the friendships and social life outside the gay community that UUFW has made possible for me.